What am I up to


  • Improving my homelab in various facets
    • Organization
    • Services offered
    • Adding new automations and infrastructure
    • Using AI to tag my 1000's of cat photos
  • Trying to be better about content creation
    • More YouTube content about Autism
    • Dust the cobwebs off of my newsletter
    • Write more blog posts and Medium articles
  • Focusing on my health
    • Down 40lbs but working on my strength and linear progression
    • Want to get my handbalancing skills back
  • Launching MuleSoft and Anypoint Platform using a 3-tier API architecture for my Government Agency employer


  • Still deepdiving on Autism clinical research and papers to build out my Obsidian Canvas on Autism
  • Learning More about MuleSoft, Dataweave, and Mule app microservices


  • Currently learning to knit and getting back into crochet
  • Learning American Sign Language
  • Reading LOTS of romance novels and books in general
  • Getting back into my Viking Historical Reenactment now that I got a truck and can haul all of my setup with me

last updated: 2024-05-19 1248