My 2020 Comprehensive Obsidian Workflow For Zettelkasten and Evergreen Notes

This video was my first video to really get big (for me). I really like giving the whole picture when i talk about something and over-delivering on value. I wanted people to see this video and really gain something that would change the way they approach knowledge management and how they record and organize their thoughts.

This hour long video at the time it was posted covered everything i did in Obsidian and the apps around it that i used to help me manage my knowledge especially while dealing with ADHD

In this video I talk about how I processed and dealt with inputs of a variety of types:

  • Articles
  • Research Papers
  • Youtube videos
  • Podcasts
  • Books
  • etc.

I also details how i use many of the apps that help me process and manage all of these inputs and the notes i make from them such as:

The purpose of these comprehensive videos is mostly to show at a point in time how i approach all of this, why im doing this, and what ADHD has to so with all of this for me.

These videos take a lot of work so im very glad so many have enjoyed them. The latest one is also out too! you can check it out here:

Keep on thinkin :)

  • Bryan 🌱️